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Czech Life

Summer coming early?!

I just thought I should send out a buoyant message to you all, as it’s just so wonderfully sunny in Prague!  I had my windows open and central heating off yesterday for goodness sake! Although perhaps that was a little premature as by the late evening the flat was freezing, our baby-kittens looked at me like I was a nutter and I had to compensate by sleeping in joggers with a blanket, hot water bottle and two slightly resentful kittens for company…
All the same it was a lovely mild weekend so I thought I would update my “Few of my favourite things” post to include “Prague in the sunshine”.  It really is so lovely – bright blue skies, buildings shining in an almost luminous way, and Prague castle looking magnificent.
My sister and baby nephew are visiting this weekend so I am keeping everything crossed that the warm reprieve will last.  I somehow doubt this and slightly suspect that my visitors would actually prefer to see some snow, given that I have spent the last six months warning them about how cold it is here and have stressed the need to come equipped with warm clothes, snow boots and winter tyres or snow chains on the buggy….
Some friends (and the BBC weather service) have warned me that the Prague weather “does this” sometimes – lures you in with a false early spring, just to turn round with some minus-ten blizzard conditions the following day. I am not taking any chances.  Boots, scarves, hats and gloves remain at the ready and the hot water bottle is ready for action.  For now though, I am enjoying the fact that I can wear sunglasses in January.

Prague in the sun - this way to the beach...

About CzechingIn

A blog about an English lady living in Prague.


3 thoughts on “Summer coming early?!

  1. I can confirm that London is as grey as normal for mid January – Delightful! x

    Posted by Emma Kapur | January 17, 2011, 2:56 pm
  2. Can we have some kitten pictures?

    Posted by Mother of the Bride | January 17, 2011, 6:01 pm
  3. i, too, heard from locals that the fake spring happens almost every year. personally, and most will find me crazy, but i LOVE the snow. when it first snowed back in november, i was so excited and a few seasoned locals said “eh, it’ll wear off. you’ll hate it by march.” NO SIR! i still love it and every single time it starts snowing, i am immediately running to the window and squealing with glee. so, chalk that up to my list of things to love about prague. but you’re right – the city is gorgeous under the sunshine. no wonder they call it the golden city.

    Posted by Megan | January 26, 2011, 2:11 pm

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